Shipping and Sale Update
Sale update. If you want to know the status of the sale. I have roughly 80 orders to still collect. I have printed out shipping labels for about half and we have started to pack orders. I am hoping by this weekend everything is shipped. Today, I have updated the sales page. I added a few items. If you are late to the game there are still some really great items left. Just in case you aren't leaving the sales page check out the shirting page, too. Some of the shirts didn't make it on the sale page but are...
Sale is going strong
There are still a lot of great items left. 4 Items to check out. 1. Melon Gingham tencel shirt. You won't regret buying this shirt. It will turn you into a believer of Tencel. 2. Italian Over dyes. I am not even sure why these shirts aren't sold out. The level of construction is there and the dye job is perfect. If you don't understand the sizing lay your best fitting shirt flat and measure pit to pit. Whatever that number is double it and that's your finished measurement. Compare that to the size chart and you are golden. 3. Short Sleeve...
Christmas in July
Tomorrow, is the big day. It's when my wrists bleed the color of Santa's Suit. This can only mean one thing, sale time. Just about everything will go on sale except for all the recent items we have made since the pre-order change. The majority of items are "made in the USA" shirts that have been made in the past. There are however several items made in Italy. Everything is ridiculously cheap. It's a great time for you frugal sale shoppers that love high quality goods to get your fill. At first, I was going to list a bunch of...
Tees, Sweatshirts, and more...
The sweatshirts arrived. I am not happy with the olive to white. I am not really sure if they hired blind people to dye the sweatshirts but it is what it is. As everyone knows, I am not a photographer. The green isn't that bright, but my question to you is "How in the hell did yellow enter the equation?" How the hell did grass green become olive? In the south of Italy, Olives trees and olives are everywhere!! I am mean everywhere but grass isn't. If the Italians dying the sweatshirts know a few things, the color of olive...