Enough About Us Already...
Since the start of Wolf vs Goat, we've made it our mission to put our community of customers first. We've designed our clothing with you in mind and we've designed membership programs and policies, both formally and informally, with you in mind. Over time, you've rewarded us by sharing your stories, preferences, and appreciation. We're proud to say that we've gotten to know some of our community pretty darn well. But we want to know you better, and we want you all to know each other better. Believe me, you're all pretty cool, interesting people worth meeting. With this in...
Make it Pop
Popovers, woven shirts with button plackets that extend roughly to the sternum of the wearer, date back to the 1960s and though where and when the popover originated is a matter of debate, its utility, iconic nature, and all around awesomeness are unquestionable truths. The popover can best be imagined as a standard button down shirt with a button placket that only goes half way down the chest of the wearer and thus, must be “popped” over the head in order to be put on and removed and this style of shirt dates back to the 1960s. Some fashion historians...
The History of Madras: An Abbreviated Version
Madras cotton is defined not only by its texture and look, but also by the way it's made or constructed. Thus, though the madras cotton of today differs slightly in look and feel from the cotton woven in Madras, India 5,000+ years ago, there is little doubt in historians' minds, given the similarities and technique and process, that madras cotton can be traced back to as early as 3,000 B.C. At the time, what can more or less be called madras' “ancestor” was a gauzy, hand woven cotton that was spun from karvelem patta, the tip skin of ancient...
Tasty Waves
Boat shoes have become associated with frivolity and playfulness, yet the story of how the shoe came to be suggests that the product was anything but unnecessary. The boat shoe was inspired by Prince. Yes, Prince, but no, not this Prince. You see, Prince was also the name of a cocker spaniel owned by Paul Sperry, the creator of the boat shoe, and in 1935, when Sperry watched his dog slide across a patch of ice without losing traction, Sperry was struck with curiosity. After all, for years, Sperry, an accomplished sailor, had risked bodily harm while walking along...