Blog — cotton

Flannel-ing Greatness

What's black, white, and red, all over? A nun that falling down stairs. But you know what else is black, white, and red all over? A black, white, and red flannel shirt.                                                          And coincidentally, (or not), we'll be talking about flannel shirts today. Though, we're going to restrict our discussion to true flannel shirts. In other words, we're excluding the ones that resemble the patterns found on flannel shirts. And though we're tempted to jump right back to the 16th century, when flannel, as we know it, was first introduced, we will take a minute to remind you...

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It's contest time , Day 2

Hello everyone. Everybody knows I love doing contests and giveaways. The new over dye oxfords arrived this week. I couldn't think of a better time to do a contest. One shirt per day will be posted for 3 more days. It's very straight forward and simple. Here are the rules. Give the over dye oxfords a food name. Only foods and beverages will be accepted as answers. The first person to give the best answer that we ( WvG) feel represents the color of the shirt gets a free shirt shipped to them. Each person may only give ONE answer....

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The History of Madras: An Abbreviated Version

                                 Madras cotton is defined not only by its texture and look, but also by the way it's made or constructed. Thus, though the madras cotton of today differs slightly in look and feel from the cotton woven in Madras, India 5,000+ years ago, there is little doubt in historians' minds, given the similarities and technique and process, that madras cotton can be traced back to as early as 3,000 B.C. At the time, what can more or less be called madras' “ancestor” was a gauzy, hand woven cotton that was spun from karvelem patta, the tip skin of ancient...

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No Shortage of Choices

“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.” - Galileo Galilei There are times, often in the summer months, when I take in the sun and warmth around me and feel quite like the grapes that Galileo describes. And on those occasions, when seemingly everything feels right, I blindly choose from my small yet personalized wardrobe, and know that whatever I throw on my top and bottom will suit me just fine. But this confidence hasn't come...

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