Blog — shirts
Flannel-ing Greatness
What's black, white, and red, all over? A nun that falling down stairs. But you know what else is black, white, and red all over? A black, white, and red flannel shirt. And coincidentally, (or not), we'll be talking about flannel shirts today. Though, we're going to restrict our discussion to true flannel shirts. In other words, we're excluding the ones that resemble the patterns found on flannel shirts. And though we're tempted to jump right back to the 16th century, when flannel, as we know it, was first introduced, we will take a minute to remind you...
3rd Day of name that tee and these colors are hard!
It's Saturday, you should be doing things outdoors, but let's try to win a shirt, shall we. Here are the rules- 1. Names must be food or drink related 2. First person to give the winning name wins 3. You have a 24 hour window to guess. I will draw a name at on Aug.10th. 4. One submission per person , per color, per day 5. Please hit like when you enter your name 6. You can write an answer in the comment section below or on instagram WvG will be releasing 2 different colors per day after today...
Monday's suck but a free shirt will make it a better day.
Hello everyone! As promised, I will be giving away a free shirt today. I really enjoy doing giveaways and it's making me think. I wonder if doing giveaways are a better marketing tool than traditional forms of advertising? Is Wolf vs Goat just catering to it's rewards members ( you guys are the best) or am I really reaching out to new potential customers. What are some other contest ideas that you would like to see WvG participate in? That's today's contest. The person with the best idea wins and WvG will use that idea for the next contest. Please...