Blog — quality

The Smaller Details in Quality

If you’ve been paying attention to men’s clothing for any period of time, you’re probably well acquainted with how to look for quality. Suits should be half- or fully-canvassed; shoes should be made from full grain leathers; and when possible, shirts should have mother of pearl buttons, rather than plastic ones (although vintage-style plastic buttons do add a nice touch). These, however, are just the basics. For a closer look at quality, you’ll want to look at some of the smaller details. For example, in shirts and pants, see if the seams were made with a high stitch-count.Sewing machines are...

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Beware of Buzzwords

It’s often said that, as a result of the bad economy, companies and consumers alike have refocused on quality. Brands talk more about their production processes and consumers focus on long-term value. Unfortunately, fifteen years later, what passes for a discussion about quality is often little more than a stringing together of buzzwords. Read through any product description to see what I mean. You can easily flip words around – like Madlibs – to make something heritage this, handcrafted that, or artisanal something or other. Even when words have meaning, they’re often inaccurate. Just last month, I saw an online...

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