
Monday's suck but a free shirt will make it a better day.

Hello everyone! As promised, I will be giving away a free shirt today. I really enjoy doing giveaways and it's making me think. I wonder if doing giveaways are a better marketing tool than traditional forms of advertising? Is Wolf vs Goat just catering to it's rewards members ( you guys are the best) or am I really reaching out to new potential customers. What are some other contest ideas that you would like to see WvG participate in? That's today's contest. The person with the best idea wins and WvG will use that idea for the next contest. Please...

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Out of the Shadows: Part III

The contingent of men who are learning to love the art of shaving is growing. And though this group shares a common interest, shaving, they are anything but homogenous and the factors that draw them to men's grooming, like the group itself, are varied. Thus, it goes without saying that the brands that are catering to this growing contingent of shaving aficionados are similarly diverse and today we'll explore a few of them and just how they go about uniquely positioning themselves in the men's shaving space. Dollar Shave Club                                                  One needn't look farther than the name, Dollar Shave...

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TGIF and Contest time, day 4

Hello everyone. Everybody knows I love doing contests and giveaways. The new over dye oxfords arrived this week. I couldn't think of a better time to do a contest. One shirt per day will be posted and there is 1 days left. Monday will be the final day of the contest with a special shirt. The contest is very straight forward and simple. Here are the rules..... Give the over dye oxford a food or drink name. Only foods and beverages will be accepted as answers. The first person to give the best answer that we ( WvG) feel represents...

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Out of the Shadows: Part II

After years of being treated as a chore, and a hated one at that, shaving is slowly winning over the hearts and minds of many men all over the world. And the leaders of this “revival” aren't your typical, big name brands either. It's the little guys who are leading shaving from out of the shadow and today we're going to examine two of these disruptive companies. Harry's                                           Harry's is a men's shaving company (ironic, right?) that was started by one of the co-founders of the fast growing, incredibly successful eyewear company, Warby Parker. And while there are a...

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