
The Duke of Windsor

                                                               It’s hard to isolate legendary figures in the development of fashion – who knows who the first person to roll their jeans was? Who first decided to tuck his pants into his boots? But from this historical ambiguity, there have been a select few whose personal style helped transform what was understood to be classic menswear, and their appreciation of fit and pattern paved the way for what we know today.   Within classic menswear, Prince Edward, the Duke of Windsor, the namesake of the Windsor and half-Windsor knot stands out. Born in 1894 to...

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Pigment Dyes

                                                                           Robert Frost once wrote, “Nothing gold can stay,” and while he was referring to the slow decay of what was once a pure, simple place - Earth - Frost's words hold true with respect to pigment dyed garments and their color. Because when it comes to pigment dyed apparel, no color - not blue, red, green, orange, yellow, black, silver, or white - can stay. But that's okay. In fact, color fades from pigment dyed apparel by design. Pigment dyeing is arguably a misnomer. In fact, pigments, the foundation of pigment dyes and pigment dyeing, are insoluble and...

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Beware of Buzzwords

It’s often said that, as a result of the bad economy, companies and consumers alike have refocused on quality. Brands talk more about their production processes and consumers focus on long-term value. Unfortunately, fifteen years later, what passes for a discussion about quality is often little more than a stringing together of buzzwords. Read through any product description to see what I mean. You can easily flip words around – like Madlibs – to make something heritage this, handcrafted that, or artisanal something or other. Even when words have meaning, they’re often inaccurate. Just last month, I saw an online...

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Leather Belts

Most men don’t give belts a lot of thought. You have a black belt and a brown belt (maybe just a double sided belt) and that’s it. While this approach might keep the size of your closet manageable, which is a laudable goal, it stops you from appreciating all the intricacies of a well-crafted belt, and the variety of belts that exist. The most important component of a belt is what type of leather it’s made from. Belt leather can broadly be divided into two categories, corrected grain belts or full-grain leathers. Corrected grain leather is leather that, due to...

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